Attempt at structure -#6


It’s Monday.

We keep just kind of throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. I go back and forth between “we need to be flexible” and “we need a schedule.” I don’t really think (or foresee) us sticking to a strict schedule, but we do need some structure to our day.

The “structure” we’ve been attempting looks something like this.

Note, we definitely don’t stick to the times, as much as order, and if we’re doing something else, it’s all good.

7-8:30am: Wake-up, breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth. (Mom works out)

8:30-9:30am: Journal time, Circle time with Miss Megan’s Camp Kindergarten

9:30-11:00am: Creative Free Play (Drawing, Play-Doh, Blocks, Magnatiles, Flashcards, Slime, Painting, Reading, Puzzles, Trains/Cars, etc etc.)

Resources to try: Lunch Doodle with Mo Willems, Cincinnati Zoo At-Home-Safari

11:00-12:00pm: Exercise (yoga, dancing, outside time)

Resources to try: GoNoodle, CosmicKids Yoga

12pm-12:30/1p: LUNCH

1-3:30pm: REST/NAP/QUIET TIME (kids in rooms, sleeping or quiet play for Liam)

3:30-4:30pm - Exercise (yoga, dancing, outside time)

4:30pm-6pm - Creative Free Play

6pm-8pm - Dinner, Bath, Relax Time & Bed

8pm-UKNOWN - Drink all the wine

Honestly, once we get to lunch/nap time, the rest of the day feels more manageable. Nap time is when Bryan and I have been scheduling most of our calls. If there are no calls, I’ll use the time to focus on a task. While the boys are busy in the morning, I can usually respond to emails and work on some things as well, it’s just not as focused of an effort, so it takes more time. Then after quiet/nap time, I try to be more engaged with the boys and then make up that work time after they go to bed.

Today, that “structure” looked something like this:

We tried Megan’s Kindergarten Camp for the first time for Circle time. Liam did not love it, but I tried to explain that it’s just different than the circle time he’s used to, so we needed to give it a chance. We shut it off early. Try again tomorrow.

Liam also did not want to do his journal, which he normally loves. Journal is from school, and he writes his name and gets to draw in it. Cool, day is going well so far.

Success came during morning free play, which looked like Play-Doh, Magnatiles, a “Fart” game (don’t ask), stickers/coloring, Legos, and they watched a National Geographic show about deep sea creatures.

Lunch was Lunchables and PB&J - I swear to God, they have eaten PB&J every single day since last Tuesday.

After quiet/nap time, afternoon free play looked like some art projects and coloring. Liam did a science experiment with Bryan, investigating owl pellets (Christmas gift from his aunt!). We also got outside for some scooter time and soccer before an easy dinner of chicken sausage, veggies and rice.


I’m personally trying to use the morning time during breakfast/before others wake up to work out and shower, which I did today. Also, I got dressed! As in, I put on jeans (gotta make sure they still fit) and a sweatshirt, instead of yoga pants and sweatshirt. I also put on some mascara. Bryan asked where I was going so dolled up! :) Working out in the morning helps make sure I drink enough water, too. Did much better today and drank all my ounces! Boom.

Also today, I cooked some chicken in the Instant Pot to have on hand for quick lunch and dinner options (throw it on salads, in soups or with some pasta, toss it in a marinade, etc.). But…I also had a square of leftover pizza with salad for lunch, and leftover Chinese food for dinner, so definitely improvements to be made there. Can’t win ‘em all.

We survived another day, friends. I can tell the boys are loving being home and getting the extra time, with us and each other. I really am proud of them. Some days are better than others, and today was one of the better ones, so I’m going to take that, and my wine, and go try to relax.

How was everyone else’s Monday?




I’m tired - #7


One week in… - #3, #4, #5